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发布日期:2012-04-23    作者:蒋艳超律师
Detailed Rules on the Recognition of Well-known Trademarks
English Version

Promulgation Date: 04-21-2009
Effective Region: NATIONAL
Promulgator: State Administration of Industry and Commerce
Document No: Gong Shang Biao Zi [2009] No. 81
Effectiveness: Effective
Effective Date: 04-21-2009
Category: Trademark
Intellectual Property Law->Trademark

Full text: 
Detailed Rules on the Recognition of Well-known Trademarks
Gong Shang Biao Zi [2009] No. 81
April 21, 2009
  第一章 总 则
Chapter I General Provisions
  第一条 为推进商标战略的实施,规范驰名商标的认定工作,促进驰名商标认定工作进一步制度化、规范化、程序化、法治化,切实维护商标权人的合法权益,健全知识产权保护体系,优化创新环境,促进经济社会又好又快发展,根据《中华人民共和国商标法》中华人民共和国商标法实施条例》《驰名商标认定和保护规定》和《国家工商行政管理总局主要职责内设机构和人员编制规定》,制定本细则。

Article 1 For the purposes of boosting the implementation of trademark strategies, regulating the recognition of well-known trademarks, promoting a more systematic, standardized, proceduralized and legally robust process for the recognition of well-known trademarks, protecting trademark holders' legitimate rights and interests, improving intellectual property protection, creating an innovative environment and promoting the rapid and beneficial development of the economy and society, these Detailed Rules on the Recognition of Well-known Trademarks (the "Detailed Rules") have been formulated in accordance with the Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China, the Trademark Law Implementing Regulations of the People's Republic of China, the Provisions on the Recognition and Protection of Well-known Trademarks, and the Provisions of the State Administration of Industry and Commerce on Main Functions, Internal Decision-making Bodies and Staff Arrangements.
  第二条 本细则中的驰名商标认定是指商标局、商标评审委员会依照《商标法》《商标法实施条例》《驰名商标认定和保护规定》《商标评审规则》以及国家工商行政管理总局《各司(厅、局、室)主要职责内设机构和人员编制规定》的有关规定认定驰名商标。

Article 2 For the purpose of these Detailed Rules, "recognition of well-known trademarks" shall refer to the recognition of trademarks by the Trademark Office and the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Trademark Law, the Trademark Law Implementing Regulations, the Provisions on the Recognition and Protection of Well-known Trademarks, the Rules on Trademark Reviews, and the Provisions of the State Administration of Industry and Commerce on the Main Functions, Internal Decision-making Bodies and Staff Arrangements for Each Department (Office, Bureau, Section).
  第三条 驰名商标认定工作的目的是加大商标权保护力度,引导企业实施商标战略,使用自主商标,丰富商标内涵,重视商标知识产权创新和保护,提高商标知名度,形成一批拥有自主知识产权和知名品牌、国际竞争力较强的优势企业,促进企业和经济社会发展,推动创新型国家建设。

Article 3 The aim of trademark recognition is to strengthen the protection of trademark rights, guide enterprises to implement trademark strategies, use their own trademarks, enrich the connotations of trademarks, emphasize trademark innovation and protection, enhance the awareness of trademarks, establish a group of dominant enterprises with their own intellectual property, well-known brands and a high degree of international competitiveness, boost the development of enterprises, the economy and society, and promote the establishment of an innovative nation.
  第四条 商标局、商标评审委员会应严格、准确、依法开展驰名商标认定工作,正确引导舆论宣传,促进驰名商标认定和保护制度的健康发展,支持帮助企业合理实施商标战略。

Article 4 The Trademark Office and the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board shall recognize trademarks strictly and accurately according to law, guide public opinion and publicity as appropriate, promote the healthy development of the well-known trademark recognition and protection system, and support and assist enterprises in implementing their trademark strategies in a reasonable manner.
The Trademark Office shall be responsible for leading all local administrative authorities of industry and commerce in checking applications for trademark recognition strictly in order to ensure their authenticity and accuracy.

  第五条 商标局、商标评审委员会成立驰名商标认定委员会,其成员包括商标局、商标评审委员会的局长、主任、副局长、副主任、巡视员、副巡视员,局长、主任为主任委员。

Article 5 The Trademark Office and the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board shall set up a Well-known Trademark Recognition Committee whose members shall include directors, deputy directors, monitors and deputy monitors of the Trademark Office and the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board. A director shall be the chairperson of the committee.
  第六条 商标局、商标评审委员会承办处依本细则进行驰名商标认定申请材料的受理、整理和审查工作;商标局局长办公会、商标评审委员会委务会依本细则进行驰名商标认定中的审定工作;驰名商标认定委员会依本细则进行驰名商标认定中的复审工作;国家工商行政管理总局局长办公会对驰名商标认定委员会拟认定的驰名商标予以核审。

Article 6 The Trademark Office and the case handling division of the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board shall be responsible for accepting, managing and examining application materials for well-known trademark recognition according to these Detailed Rules; the executive directors meeting of the Trademark Office and the executive meeting of the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board shall be responsible for the approval of well-known trademark recognition applications according to these Detailed Rules; the Well-known Trademark Recognition Committee shall be responsible for the review of well-known trademark recognition applications according to these Detailed Rules; the executive directors meeting of the State Administration of Industry and Commerce shall be responsible for the verification of well-known trademarks the Well-known Trademark Recognition Committee proposes for recognition.
  第二章 驰名商标认定申请的审查、审定
Chapter II Examination and Approval of Well-known Trademark Recognition Applications
  第一节 驰名商标认定应考虑的因素、证据材料
Section 1 Factors to Be Considered in and Evidential Materials for the Recognition of Well-known Trademarks
  第七条 认定驰名商标应当根据《商标法》第十四条的规定,考虑下列各项因素,但并不以该商标必须满足下列全部因素为前提:
  (二) 该商标使用的持续时间;
  (五) 该商标驰名的其他因素。

Article 7 In accordance with the provisions of Article 14 of the Trademark Law, the following factors shall be taken in consideration in assessing an application for well-known trademark recognition, not all of which must be satisfied by the trademark in question:
(1) The extent to which the relevant section of the public is aware of the trademark;
(2) The period for which it has been used;
(3) The period for which, extent of, and geographical scope of the promotional activities carried out for the trademark in question;
(4) Records showing that it has been protected as a well-known trademark; or
(5) Any other factor indicating it is a well-known trademark.

  第八条 认定驰名商标应当根据《驰名商标认定和保护规定》第三条的规定,审查下列证明商标驰名的证据材料:

Article 8 In accordance with the provisions of Article 3 of the Provisions on the Recognition and Protection of Well-known Trademarks, the following evidential materials proving that a trademark is well-known shall be examined in considering the recognition of a well-known trademark:
(1) Materials proving the extent to which the relevant section of the public is aware of the trademark;
(2) Materials proving the period for which it has been used, including materials proving its use, history, and scope of registration;
(3) Materials proving the period for which, extent of, and geographical scope of the promotional activities carried out for the trademark in question, including materials on the means by which and geographical scope of advertising, publicity and promotional activities carried out, along with the types of media and advertisement expenditure, etc.;
(4) Materials proving that it has been protected as a well-known trademark, including materials proving that it has been protected as a well-known trademark in China or in other countries or regions; and
(5) Other evidential materials proving it is a well-known trademark, including materials on the production volume, sales volume, sales income, profits and taxes, sales regions, etc., of the major products that have used the trademark in the past three years.

  第二节 商标管理程序中的审查
Section 2 Examination in the Course of Trademark Administration
  第九条 对经省级工商行政管理机关依《驰名商标认定和保护规定》上报的驰名商标认定申请的案件材料及证明商标驰名的证据材料,商标局实行收文和办文分开制度,由商标局综合处负责收文,有关承办处负责材料整理,建立登记簿登记。

Article 9 The Trademark Office shall receive and deal separately with all application materials for well-known trademark recognition and evidential materials proving the trademark is well-known submitted by the administrative authorities of industry and commerce at the provincial level according to the Provisions on the Recognition and Protection of Well-known Trademarks. The general office of the Trademark Office shall be responsible for receiving such materials and the competent handling division shall be responsible for managing such materials and registering the same.
Where the applicant in an application for well-known trademark recognition filed in the course of trademark administration provides supplementary evidential materials, the competent office may, before the application is submitted to the executive directors meeting of the Trademark Office, include the supplementary materials in the application materials.

  第十条 承办处可以就商标的显著性和驰名程度等技术性问题征求有关处室或有关部门的意见。

Article 10 The handling division may seek opinions from relevant offices, sections, or departments in respect of technical questions such as prominence of a trademark and the extent to which it is well-known.
Where the handling division deems it necessary, it may seek relevant information from the local administrative authority of industry and commerce.

  第十一条 对于在商标管理中提出的驰名商标认定申请,由承办处处长主持召开处务会讨论并提出初步意见。处务会的参加人员不得少于全处人员的三分之二。会议应做记录。

Article 11 The division chief of the handling division shall call and preside over an office affairs meeting to discuss any well-known trade mark recognition application filed in the course of trademark administration and put forward initial opinions. The office affairs meeting shall be attended by no less than two thirds of the total number of handling division personnel and minutes shall be taken.
  第十二条 经处务会讨论,形成符合驰名商标条件或不符合驰名商标条件的初步意见,由处长报分管副局长。分管副局长提交商标局局长办公会讨论。

Article 12 Following discussion at the office affairs meeting, initial opinions shall be put forward on whether the application meets the requirements for well-known trademarks and the same reported by the division chief to the deputy director in charge of the handling division, who shall further submit the same to the executive directors meeting of the Trademark Office for discussion.
  第三节 商标异议程序中的审查
Section 3 Examination in the Course of Trademark Objections
  第十三条 对于在商标异议(含国际注册程序中的商标异议)程序中提出的驰名商标认定申请,按照《商标法》《商标法实施条例》《驰名商标认定和保护规定》的规定,原则上根据商标异议的申请时间顺序进行审理。

Article 13 Well-known trademark recognition applications filed in the course of trademark objections (including trademark objections made in the international registration procedure) shall generally be considered according to the time sequence of trademark objection applications in accordance with the provisions of the Trademark Law, the Trademark Law Implementing Regulations, and the Provisions on the Recognition and Protection of Well-known Trademarks.
  第十四条 承办人员对驰名商标的证明材料进行整理,经合议组讨论后报处务会讨论。承办处的处长主持召开处务会议,处务会的参加人员不得少于全处人员的三分之二。会议应做记录。

Article 14 Handling division personal shall manage evidential materials for well-known trademarks which, after being discussed by the collegiate group, shall be submitted to the office affairs meeting for discussion. The division chief shall call and preside over the office affairs meeting. The office affairs meeting shall be attended by no less than two thirds of the total number of handling division personnel and minutes shall be taken.
  第十五条 经处务会讨论,形成证据材料充足且该异议案件确需依《商标法》第十三条裁定的意见或证据不足、该异议案件不需要依《商标法》第十三条裁定的意见,由处长报分管副局长。分管副局长提交商标局局长办公会讨论。

Article 15 Following discussion at the office affairs meeting, opinions shall be expressed on whether the evidential materials are adequate and the trademark objection case therefore needs to be considered on the basis of Article 13 of the Trademark Law, or alternatively, that the evidential materials are inadequate and the trademark objection case therefore does not need to be considered on the basis of Article 13 of the Trademark Law, and reported by the division chief to the deputy director thereof, who shall submit the same to the executive directors meeting of the Trademark Office for discussion.
  第四节 商标异议复审、商标争议程序中的审查
Section 4 Examination in the Course of Trademark Objection Reviews and Trademark Dispute Resolution Procedures
  第十六条 对在商标异议复审、商标争议程序中提出的驰名商标认定申请,商标评审委员会按照《商标法》《商标法实施条例》《驰名商标认定和保护规定》《商标评审规则》的规定进行审理。

Article 16 Well-known trademark recognition applications filed in the course of trademark objection reviews or trademark dispute resolution procedures shall be determined by the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board in accordance with the provisions of the Trademark Law, the Trademark Law Implementing Regulations, the Provisions on the Recognition and Protection of Well-known Trademarks, and the Rules on Trademark Reviews and Adjudication.
  第十七条 商标评审委员会对涉及驰名商标认定的案件应由案件承办处组成合议组进行审理。

Article 17 The handling division of the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board shall form a collegiate group to determine cases involving well-known trademark recognition.
The collegiate group shall comprise an odd number of Trademark Review and Adjudication Board members, with a minimum of three, one of whom shall be the division chief of the case handling division. When determining cases involving well-known trademark recognition, the collegiate group shall follow the principle of majority rule.

  第十八条 合议组经审理认为基本符合驰名商标条件的,由处长报分管副主任。分管副主任经研究认为基本符合驰名商标条件的,报经主任同意后,提交商标评审委员会委务会讨论。

Article 18 Where the collegiate group considers that a case meets the basic requirements for well-known trademarks, the division chief shall notify the deputy director of the division. Where, following deliberation, the deputy director considers the case meets the basic requirements for well-known trademarks, subject to the director's consent, it shall be submitted to the board executive meeting of the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board for discussion.
  第十九条 主任同意将涉及驰名商标认定案件提交委务会讨论的,案件承办人应当及时将相关材料送交综合处。综合处应当在委务会召开三天之前,将相关材料复印并送交参加委务会的人员。

Article 19 Where the director consents to the submission of a case involving well-known trademark recognition to the board executive meeting for discussion, the personnel handling the case shall submit relevant case materials to the general office without delay. The general office shall make copies of the relevant materials and deliver the same to the personnel attending the board executive meeting three days in advance.
  第五节 审 定
Section 5 Approval
  第二十条 商标局讨论驰名商标认定案件的局长办公会由局长、副局长、巡视员、副巡视员组成,承办处处长列席。

Article 20 The executive directors meeting of the Trademark Office responsible for discussing a well-known trademark recognition case shall be composed of the director, the deputy director, the monitor, and the deputy monitor, and shall be attended by the division chief of the case handling division.
  第二十一条 商标评审委员会讨论驰名商标认定案件的委务会由主任、巡视员、副主任、副巡视员、各处处长组成。

Article 21 The executive meeting of the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board responsible for discussing a well-known trademark recognition case shall be composed of the director, the deputy director, the monitor, the deputy monitor, and all division chiefs.
  第二十二条 商标局局长办公会就商标局分管副局长提交的意见进行研究审定,认为符合驰名商标条件的提出拟认定的意见;认为不符合驰名商标条件的,退回承办处按有关程序办理。其中,对于商标异议程序中提出的驰名商标认定申请,商标局局长办公会认为证据不足或该异议案件不需要依《商标法》第十三条裁定的,承办处按一般的异议案件处理;对于商标管理程序中提出的驰名商标认定申请,商标局局长办公会认为不符合驰名商标条件的,承办处按照公文办理程序发文退回申请,并将申请材料一并退回。

Article 22 The executive directors' meeting of the Trademark Office shall consider and approve or decline to follow the opinion submitted by the deputy director responsible. Where it considers the trademark meets the requirements for well-known trademarks, it shall propose that the same be recognized; where it considers the trademark does not meet such requirements, it shall return the opinion to the case handling division to be handled according to relevant procedures. For a well-known trademark recognition application filed in the course of trademark objections, where the executive directors meeting of the Trademark Office considers there is insufficient evidence or there is no need to make a decision on the case to which the objection relates according to Article 13 of the Trademark Law, the case handling division shall treat it as an ordinary trademark objection case. For a well-known trademark recognition application filed in the course of trademark administration, where the executive directors meeting of the Trademark Office considers it does not satisfy the requirements for well-known trademarks, the case handling division shall return the application, together with the application materials, according to official document handling procedures.
The executive meeting of the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board shall study and approve or decline to follow the opinion submitted by the deputy director responsible. Where it considers the trademark meets the requirements for well-known trademarks, it shall propose that the same be recognized; where it considers the trademark does not meet such requirements, it shall return the opinion to the case handling division to be handled according to relevant procedures. No less than two thirds of the members of the executive meeting of the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board shall participate in each of its meetings.
After a consensus has been reached by the executive directors meeting of the Trademark Office or the executive meeting of the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board, it shall be reported to the Well-known Trademark Recognition Committee without delay for consideration.

  第三章 复审与核审
Chapter III Review and Verification
  第二十三条 驰名商标认定委员会按照《商标法》《商标法实施条例》《驰名商标认定和保护规定》《商标评审规则》的规定对商标局、商标评审委员会提交的驰名商标审定意见进行研究复审,并及时将经复审拟认定的驰名商标,报总局局长办公会议核审。经复审拟退回的,退回商标局或商标评审委员会按照有关程序处理。

Article 23 The Well-known Trademark Recognition Committee shall consider and review any well-known trademark approval opinion submitted by the Trademark Office and the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board in accordance with the provisions of the Trademark Law, the Trademark Law Implementing Regulations, the Provisions on Well-known Trademark Recognition and Protection, and the Trademark Review Rules, and following its review, shall make a well-known trademark recognition proposal to the executive directors' meeting of the General Trademark Office for verification. Where it is proposed that the opinion be returned, it shall be returned to the Trademark Office or the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board to be handled according to relevant procedures.
No less than two thirds of the members of the Well-known Trademark Recognition Committee shall attend any review meeting called.

  第二十四条 根据总局的核审意见,商标局、商标评审委员会应当按照各自的公文办理程序作出批复或裁定,并及时向社会公布认定的驰名商标。

Article 24 The Trademark Office and the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board shall, based on the verification opinion of the General Trademark Office, issue an official reply or ruling according to the respective procedures for the handling of official documents, and publicize the recognition of the well-known trademark in a timely manner.
  第二十五条 商标局和商标评审委员会在作出商标异议裁定、商标异议复审裁定、商标争议裁定后,应将有关驰名商标认定的材料与商标异议、商标异议复审、商标争议案件材料一并归档。

Article 25 After the Trademark Office and the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board have issued a ruling on a trademark objection, trademark objection review or trademark dispute, they shall keep records of the well-known trademark recognition materials together with the trademark objection, trademark objection review and trademark dispute materials.
After the Trademark Office has issued an official reply in respect of well-known trademark recognition in the course of trademark administration, it shall keep records of the relevant materials. Materials for individual well-known trademark recognition cases shall be filed separately and held for three years.

  第二十六条 对于商标管理程序中提出的驰名商标认定申请,在复审、核审程序中认为不符合驰名商标条件的,一律作退回处理,由总局分管副局长核审。根据总局领导的核审意见,商标局按照公文办理程序发文退回申请,并将申请材料一并退回。

Article 26 Any well-known trademark recognition application filed in the course of trademark administration that is determined not to have met the well-known trademark requirements via the review and verification procedure shall be returned for verification by the General Trademark Office deputy director responsible. The Trademark Office shall, based on the verification opinion of the General Trademark Office leaders, return the application and application materials according to official document handling procedures.
  第四章 监督与法律责任
Chapter IV Supervision and Legal Liabilities
  第二十七条 商标局局长办公会、商标评审委员会委务会研究驰名商标认定时,中央纪委、监察部驻国家工商行政管理总局纪检组、监察局派员进行监督。

Article 27 When the executive directors meeting of the Trademark Office or the executive meeting of the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board consider a well-known trademark recognition case, the Central Commission of the Communist Party of China, the discipline inspection team and the supervision bureau of the Supervision Department of the State Administration of Industry and Commerce shall allocate personnel to supervise proceedings.
When the Well-known Trademark Recognition Committee calls a review meeting, the Central Commission of the Communist Party of China, the discipline inspection team and the supervision bureau of the Supervision Department of the State Administration of Industry and Commerce shall allocate personnel to supervise the meeting, and the China Trademark Association shall allocate personnel to attend the same.

  第二十八条 商标局、商标评审委员会应将驰名商标的认定工作列为廉政风险点,建立健全监督检查制度,加强风险点管理。

Article 28 The Trademark Office and the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board shall treat the recognition of well-known trademarks as a crucial aspect of honest government, and shall establish and improve a supervisory system to strengthen its administration.
  第二十九条 驰名商标认定审查期间,任何单位、个人均可向商标局、商标评审委员会反映情况,提出意见。驰名商标权利主张者、利害关系人及其代理人就相关驰名商标认定申请的来访,由商标局综合处或商标评审委员会综合处接待。商标局综合处或商标评审委员会综合处应及时将反映的情况书面反馈有关承办处。

Article 29 In the course of a well-known trademark recognition case, any entity or individual may make submissions and express its opinion to the Trademark Office and the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board. When the party claiming a well-known trademark, other interested parties or their agents attend for the purpose of well-known trademark recognition, they shall be welcomed by the general office of the Trademark Office or the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board. The general office of the Trademark Office or the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board shall notify the relevant case handling office of any information submitted in a timely manner.
  第三十条 从事驰名商标认定工作的人员要严格遵守工作纪律,不得泄露驰名商标认定工作中的保密事项和按照相关要求不应公开的情况。

Article 30 Personnel engaged in well-known trademark recognition work shall strictly abide by work disciplinary requirements and shall not disclose any confidential information acquired in the course of well-known trademark recognition work or other information to be kept confidential according to relevant requirements.
  第三十一条 驰名商标认定工作以及从事认定工作的人员要严格遵守廉洁自律的有关规定,要严格遵守《商标法》、《工商行政管理部门商标注册、管理和评审工作守则》等有关规定。

Article 31 Well-known trademark recognition work and the personnel engaged in such work shall strictly comply with relevant anti-corruption and self-disciplinary provisions and strictly abide by relevant provisions of the Trademark Law and the Work Instructions of the Administrative Authority of Industry and Commerce on Trademark Registration, Administration and Review.
Any individual who violates any law or rule shall be held liable according to relevant provisions.

  第五章 附 则
Chapter V Supplementary Provisions
  第三十二条 本细则由国家工商行政管理总局负责解释。

Article 32 The State Administration of Industry and Commerce shall be responsible for interpreting these Detailed Rules.
  第三十三条 本细则自发布之日起施行。

Article 33 These Detailed Rules shall come into effect on the date of promulgation.
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