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发布日期:2009-07-13    文章来源:北大法律信息网
【摘要】普通法系国家的大部分国际私法学者认为,管辖权问题是国际私法的首要问题。英国是普通法系国际私法和民事诉讼制度的源头,其相关制度非常发达。英国民商事管辖权制度对于整个普通法系民商事管辖权机制的建构和走向有着十分重要的影响,对于我国民商事管辖权制度的发展和完善也具有十分重要的借鉴意义。本书通过引用和分析有关英国民商事管辖权的著述、判例和法规,运用历史的、比较的和实证分析的方法对英国民商事管辖权制度进行了较为系统和深入的研究。 The main scholars of private international law in the common-law system consider that the jurisdictional problem is the chief problem of private international law. As private international law and civil procedure of the common-law system originated from England, its related systems are very perfect. The civil and commercial jurisdiction systems of England have very important influence on the construction and development of the jurisdictional mechanism of common-law system, and it can also give us some reflections on the development and perfection of Chinese jurisdiction system. By citing and analyzing relevant writings and cases as well as legislations, this article discusses the civil and commercial jurisdiction systems of England comprehensively and deeply through historical, comparative and case study.
【关键词】英国 民商事管辖权 欧盟理事会规则 布鲁塞尔公约 洛迦诺公约

  The article consists of nine chapters.
  Chapter one, i.e. an introduction to the civil and commercial jurisdiction systems of England, expounds the classification and allocation of the civil and commercial jurisdictions of English courts. According to the jurisdictional basis, the jurisdiction of English courts can be divided into jurisdiction under the Brussels convention, the Lugano convention and the relevant Council Regulation (EC); and jurisdiction under English common law. This chapter still expounds the English civil court systems and judges, the systems of grade jurisdiction, territorial jurisdiction, the specialized case jurisdiction and the referral of jurisdiction.
  Chapter two, i.e. jurisdiction immunity, expounds the systems of state immunity, diplomatic immunity and the international organization immunity. According to the State Immunity Act 1978, a foreign state is immune from the jurisdiction of the courts of the United Kingdom, but there are lots of exceptions. Subject to certain qualifications, English courts have no jurisdiction to entertain an action or other proceeding against any person entitled to immunity under the Diplomatic Privileges Act 1964 or the Consular Relations Act 1968, and against an international organization or its officials specially protected by or under statute.
  Chapter three, i.e. jurisdiction under the Council Regulation (EC) No 44/2001, analyzes the basic framework and scope of Council Regulation (EC) No 44/2001, as well as the concept of domicile of the United Kingdom law, and expounds the jurisdictional rules of Council Regulation (EC) No 44/2001 in order: Exclusive jurisdiction regardless of domicile, jurisdiction by appearance, jurisdiction concerning insurance contracts and certain consumer contracts as well as contracts of employment, jurisdictional agreement, special jurisdiction over defendants domiciled in the United Kingdom, special jurisdiction over defendants domiciled in another member state, residual jurisdiction over defendants not domiciled in a member state, the application for provisional or protective measures, the resolution of conflicts of jurisdiction. In addition, it discusses the procedural modification of Regulation jurisdiction and the international jurisdiction of the United Kingdom.
  Chapter four is about jurisdiction under English common law. The English courts have no jurisdictions over the follow matters: title to foreign land, foreign intelligent property rights, foreign penal and revenue law as well as the similar public laws, the act of State. The common law rules of jurisdiction can be summarized: jurisdiction depends on service of process, and service may be made upon a defendant present within the jurisdiction as of right. If the defendant is physically outside the jurisdiction, the permission of the court is required before service may be made. When the Council Regulation (EC) No 44/2001 does not affect the jurisdiction of English courts, if the defendant has been duly served with process within the jurisdiction, the courts have jurisdiction over the claim against him. Unless the service of process may be set aside, any argument that the court should not act on its jurisdiction must be put forward by way of an application for a stay of proceedings made according to Civil Procedure Rules. The courts have a general discretion to stay proceedings.
  Chapter five is an introduction to admiralty jurisdiction. It analyzes the difference between action in personam and action in rem, the manner of service in action in rem, and the main contents of two maritime conventions to which the United Kingdom is a party. It also discusses the effects of Council Regulation (EC) No 44/2001, the Brussels convention and the Lugano convention as well as Civil Jurisdiction and Judgment Act 1982 to admiralty action in rem.
  Chapter six is about jurisdictions over matrimonial causes and succession matters. It expounds jurisdictions over matrimonial causes (including the divorce, nullity and judicial separation, presumption of death and dissolution of marriage, declarations of status, financial relief, and polygamous marriages), family disputes (including the guardianship and custody, adoption, legitimacy, legitimation and mental disorder) as well as succession matters (including administration of estates and succession).
  Chapter seven is about jurisdictions over bankruptcy and winding-up. If a case falls within the scope of Council Regulation (EC) No 1346/2000 of 29 May 2000 on insolvency proceedings, whether English courts have jurisdiction depends on it. Otherwise, the jurisdiction of English courts depends on the insolvency act of England.
  Chapter eight is about service of process, challenging jurisdiction and practicing forum shopping. The rules for the service of process have been amended by the Civil Procedure Rules, with the result that much of the former law has been altered. If a claim form has been served, but the defendant wishes to challenge the propriety of service or the existence of jurisdiction over him, the proceedings is found in Civil Procedure Rules Part 11. The final major jurisdictional tactic is that of obtaining a declaration in relation to the liability the opponent is seeking to establish by proceedings in another court.
  Chapter nine is about interim remedies and protective measures. It expounds the interim remedies available from an English court and the procedure acquiring them, and the jurisdiction of English courts to grant interim remedies.
  The conclusion is about the feature of civil and commercial jurisdiction systems of England and its enlightenment to China.
  引言 1
  第一章英国民商事管辖权概述 3
  第一节英格兰民商事管辖权的分类 3
  一、依《布鲁塞尔公约》和《洛迦诺公约》以及欧盟理事会有关规则确定的管辖权 4
  二、依英格兰普通法确定的管辖权 6
  三、欧盟理事会有关规则和《布鲁塞尔公约》以及《洛迦诺公约》与普通法管辖权规则的关系 6
  第二节英格兰法院民商事管辖权的分配 7
  一、英格兰的民事法院及法官 7
  二、民商事管辖权的分配 16
  第二章管辖豁免 24
  第一节国家豁免 24
  一、概述 24
  二、《1978年国家豁免法》 26
  第二节外交豁免 33
  一、外国外交人员 33
  二、外国领事 35
  三、豁免的放弃 36
  四、证据 36
  第三节国际组织的豁免 36
  第三章依欧盟理事会2001年第44号规则确定的管辖权 39
  第一节欧盟理事会2001年第44号规则概述 39
  一、2001年第44号规则的基本结构 40
  二、2001年第44号规则的适用范围:第1条、第66-68条和第71条 41
  第二节住所的确定 49
  第三节2001年第44号规则的管辖权规则 50
  一、不考虑住所的专属管辖权:第22条 50
  二、应诉管辖权:第24条 53
  三、保险合同、消费者合同和雇佣合同管辖权 53
  四、协议管辖权:第23条 56
  五、对住所在联合王国的被告的一般管辖权:第2条 59
  六、对住所在另一成员国的被告的特别管辖权:第5-7条 59
  七、对住所不在成员国的被告的剩余管辖权:第4条 66
  八、临时或者保护措施申请:第31条 67
  九、管辖权冲突的解决 68
  十、依第44号规则确定的管辖权的程序性修改 71
  十一、联合王国法院的国际管辖权 73
  第四章依普通法确定的管辖权 78
  第一节普通法管辖权规则概述 78
  一、管辖区内的送达 78
  二、管辖区外的送达(域外送达) 78
  三、普通法管辖权不存在的情形 78
  第二节通过管辖区内的送达开始诉讼 84
  一、概述 84
  二、中止诉讼——概述 84
  三、预先不存在管辖条款:一般途径 86
  四、预先存在管辖条款(协议) 102
  五、仲裁协议 110
  第三节根据《民事诉讼规则》第六章规定的域外送达开始诉讼 111
  一、概述 111
  二、授予许可的管辖权——《民事诉讼规则》第6章第20条 112
  三、对是否满足《民事诉讼规则》第6章第20条规定的条件的证明标准 124
  四、《民事诉讼规则》第6章第20条被满足后的进一步要求:《民事诉讼规则》第6章第21条 125
  第五章海事管辖权概述 129
  第一节对人诉讼和对物诉讼 129
  一、对物诉讼是针对物(rem)提起的 130
  二、物的定义 130
  第二节送达 131
  一、送达的方式 131
  二、送达可足以确立管辖权 131
  三、物的扣押 131
  第三节英国参加的主要国际海事公约 132
  一、《扣船公约》 132
  二、《碰撞公约》 134
  第四节2001年第44号规则和《布鲁塞尔公约》及《洛迦诺公约》 135
  一、2001年第44号规则和《布鲁塞尔公约》及《洛迦诺公约》的影响 135
  二、2001年第44号规则和海事对物诉讼 136
  第五节《1982年民事管辖权和判决法》的影响 141
  一、诉讼被中止时的临时救济 141
  二、《1982年民事管辖权和判决法》第34条对海事对物诉讼的影响 141
  第六章婚姻家庭案件和继承案件管辖权 143
  第一节婚姻诉讼案件管辖权 143
  一、离婚、司法别居和婚姻无效诉讼的管辖权 143
  二、死亡推定和婚姻解除的管辖权 146
  三、身份宣告的管辖权 146
  四、经济扶助和扶养管辖权 147
  五、多配偶婚姻 147
  第二节家庭案件管辖权 148
  一、监护和保佐管辖权 148
  二、收养管辖权 150
  三、婚生地位宣告的管辖权 151
  四、准正的管辖权 152
  五、对精神失常者的管辖权 152
  第三节继承案件管辖权 152
  一、批准遗产代理的管辖权 153
  二、继承管辖权 153
  第七章破产和解散管辖权 155
  第一节破产 155
  一、适用欧盟理事会2000年第1346号规则的场合 155
  二、不能适用欧盟理事会2000年第1346号规则的场合 158
  第二节公司的解散 158
  一、有清偿能力公司的解散 159
  二、无清偿能力公司的解散 159
  第八章送达、异议管辖权及挑选法院 160
  第一节送达 160
  一、管辖区内的送达 160
  二、管辖区外的送达(域外送达) 166
  第二节异议法院的管辖权 173
  一、一般原则 173
  二、因送达而产生的技术性管辖权 174
  三、异议程序:《民事诉讼规则》第11章 175
  四、异议管辖权的理由 176
  五、同时提出中止诉讼申请 176
  六、被告是否应当基于实体上的理由请求法院剔除诉求? 178
  七、原告是否应当请求法院作出简易判决? 178
  八、异议管辖权:结论 179
  第三节中止诉讼 179
  第四节禁诉命令 179
  一、概述 179
  二、对答辩人的对人管辖权 181
  三、授予禁令的原则 184
  四、提出申请的时间 189
  五、附属措施 190
  六、违反禁诉命令 191
  七、禁诉命令——进一步的发展 191
  第五节宣告性救济 192
  一、概述 192
  二、对被告的对人管辖权 193
  三、作出宣告——实体法 195
  第九章临时救济和保护措施 198
  第一节可从英格兰法院获得的临时救济 198
  一、可从英格兰法院获得的临时救济的种类 198
  二、获得临时救济的一般程序 199
  三、冻结令 200
  四、搜查令 201
  五、临时支付 201
  六、临时禁令 202
  第二节从英格兰法院获得临时救济 203
  一、授予临时救济的管辖权 203
  二、诉讼被中止时的临时禁令 210
  三、判决后的临时救济命令 210
  四、在其他成员国执行英格兰法院的命令 210
  主要参考文献 213
  附录一:英国法院根据2001年第44号规则和普通法拥有的管辖权的相互关系图 220
  附录二:名词术语中英文对译 221
  附录三:主要案例索引(依在文中出现的先后排列) 231
  后记 239 
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